We are grateful to many people who have contributed to the work of the Lascelles family and Harewood House Trust to acknowledge Harewood's history.

With thanks to:

Amara Aitoro

Sonia Boyce

Beverley Brown

The cast and crew of Carnival Messiah

Alexandra Claxton-Ruddock

Jackie Claxton-Ruddock

Mac Collins

Hughbon Condor

Geraldine Connor

Chris Day

Cog Design

Don Dada Studio

Arthur France

Mahalia France-Mir

Janet Freckleton

Howard Gardner

Enam Gbewonyo

Xina Gooding-Broderick

Pearl Goodison

Elaine Grant

Marcia Harding

Marcus Romel Harding

David Harewood

Mireille Harper

Tanya Jeffers

Ashley Karrell

Mel Larsen

Seth Leigh

Daniel Lucas

Jennifer Martin

Kusheda Mensah

Elaine Mitchener

Lesley O’Connor

Icilma Philip

Benjamin Phillips

Nicola Phillips

Nigel Phillips

Thomas J. Price

Lornette Smith

Rommi Smith

Gilda Smith-Leigh

The children of St Matthew’s Church of England Primary School

Edwina Thomas

Frank Walter

Eren Weekes

Joe Williams

Olivia Wyatt

Header image: Mac Collins and Arthur France play dominoes at an event to celebrate the Radical Acts exhibition at Harewood House.